Chiropractor Michael Royce Brunette, DC

Chiropractor East Wenatchee WA Michael Royce Brunette"My name is Dominic Mutch and I work in Law Enforcement. I have been a patient at Ovenell Chiropractic since about 2008. When I started coming to Dr. Thomas Ovenell (Tom) I had lower back pain, pain near my shoulder blade, and neck pain that lead to headaches. My quality of life and safety at work was an issue with the pain I was having. The pain in my neck caused me to not have full range of motion side to side. I was not getting the quality time with my children due to the pain.

After a few visits with Tom, I started to feel better with little to no headaches. I started to limit my visits, against Tom's advice, to just when I was hurting. That was a mistake. My quality of life became an issue again. Finally I listened to Tom. Tom set me up on a schedule to get my spine in line again. After a few visits I started to feel better and better. I needed less adjustment at my visits with one exception my neck. Tom decided I needed ex-rays to determine the reason for my constant neck pain.

We found I had military neck. That means I did not have the proper curve in my neck. Tom recommended I start treatment using a Posture Pump and a special pillow at night to help correct the curve in my neck. I took Tom's advice and began treatment with the Posture Pump. Treatment was up to me with the Posture Pump. It only took 10-15 minutes every day to every other day. I started to notice a difference so I started to use the special pillow too. Now that I have been using these for about 2-3 months I am feeling great. I have full range of motion in my neck, little to no headaches, and better quality play time with my kids. The full range of motion of my neck and less over all pain has made me safer while at work.

The professionalism of Tom and all of his staff stands alone, they are great. I always look forward to my visits. I recommend Ovenell Chiropractic so highly that my wife and children are also patients.

If you have any pain or headaches I HIGHLY recommend Ovenell Chiropractic.
With out a doubt they will help your quality of life! Thank you Ovenell Chiropractic


- Dominic Mutch

"I have had back issues for years, seen other chiropractors and just didnt seem to get better. I finally hit the wall. I had arm numbness all the way to my fingers, headaches, hip pain that would almost drop me to my knees. With Dr. Ovenells initial exam and manipulation, I walked out of his office without a headache! Wow. I have towed the line followed his treatment plan, and exercise recommendations, including the massages, and I have to say I am feeling great. Dr. Tom's treatment varies from manual manipulation to the "gun" the stretching on the exam table is well worth the time. Dr Tom is a warm caring person that is highly concerned with patient care, he wants you to get better. I highly recommend Dr. Tom for treatment of your pain. I know my quality of life is greatly improved."

- Jackie Rupard


8:00am - 5:30pm

8:00am - 5:30pm

8:00am - 5:30pm

8:00am - 5:30pm

8:00am - 5:30pm

By Appointment

Ovenell Chiropractic
101 11th Street NE
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
(509) 886-0131